
Thank you for your interest in supporting our project! This page provides an overview of our interview process and Wikipedia page creation guidelines.

For any inquiries or to get involved, please visit our Contact Us page.

Finding a Scientist

We recommend interviewing someone you want to network with! Make sure you get as much as you can out of the experience. The most important thing is, get their permission before writing their page! Additionally, if they already have a Wikipedia page, feel free to ask if they would like you to edit it, or just conduct an interview.

If you want to help but aren’t sure who to talk to, we can provide a list of scientists who you can reach out to. Please use the Contact Us page to request a suggestion.


Note: We say “interviews” informally. All we mean is have a recorded conversation with your interviewee about their career and experience as an underrepresented marine scientist. It doesn’t have to be a press conference!

We do not have many guidelines for creating the video because the equipment you use depends on your operating system. We recommend recording interviews over Zoom as it has an in-built recording feature, the names of participants are shown on screen, and it is typically available through universities. An additional option is Skype, which will also let you record.

High resolution logo for inclusion in the interview:

Interview Requirements

  • Keep edited videos between 3-5 minutes long.
  • Make sure your interviewee KNOWS they are being recorded and have given permission.
  • Respect their wishes if they want you to remove certain parts. Additionally, do NOT edit video to misquote them.
  • Show the completed video to your interviewee for their approval before submitting to us for posting.
  • Submit your completed video and link to their Wikipedia page here and we will upload it!

Please download this pdf for more information.

Feel free to ask your own questions, but here are some prompts in case you need ideas!

Question ideas

What inspired you to become a marine scientist?

  • What inspired you to become a marine scientist?
  • What concerns you the most in your field/discipline?
  • What gives you hope?
  • What advice would you give to the next generation?
  • How do you feel your personal background has helped you in your field? In your career?
    What uniqueness do you bring to your work?
  • What was the hardest thing you have ever done in your career?
  • What has been the biggest setback you’ve experienced?
  • Have you felt discrimination in your career?
  • What was a moment where you felt supported by your colleagues? From this experience,
    how would you give advice for how academia can support their underrepresented groups?

Wikipedia pages has many guidelines and requirements to make sure information posted on the website is well-cited, accurate, and free of bias. Here are several pages which are crucial to read before creating your own. There are also other tutorials sent to your notifications once you create a user account:

We recommend writing your page first in a separate document with your list of citations already compiled and sending it to your interviewee for review. Please do not publish without running it by your scientist first.

If you are an experienced Wikipedia user, great, you know what to do! If not, look at our Creating a Page Flowchart to get started.